
Institutional Building

Area: The institute has been established over a patch of prime land measuring 78.025 acres located at 0.2 K.M.s from Jharsuguda bus stand and 03 K.M.s from Jharsuguda Railway station by the side of National Highway No 200. The institute has good infrastructure facilities which were modernized under World Bank assisted Technical Education Project during 9th Plan period and subsequently upgraded through State funding.
The infrastructure comprises of Classrooms, Library, well equipped laboratories, drawing hall with hostel (Boys & Girls) & canteen facility.

Land Availability:

Area 78.025 acres
Available 78.025 acres
Administrative Building

The building occupies an area of 9577.51sq.ft which includes Principal chamber, office of Accounts section, Admission & Scholarship Section.

Academic Building.

The building stands on an area of 108379.9sq.ft which comprises of 15 well ventilated classrooms, laboratories for Civil Engg. Electrical Engg & Mathematics & Science, Drawing halls for every individual stream a well established library having around 4500 books of different authors for different branches & a study room attached to it, Boys & Girls common room & examination section etc.

Workshop Building

The building is situated over an area of 46270.17sq.ft comprising of all laboratories related to Mechanical Engineering.


In the middle of the academic year 2015, the Institute commenced operating a canteen for all students & staff which stands on a piece of land of 4683.377sq.ft area. Instead of being outsourced, the college canteen employs staff and makes decision on menu and pricing to benefit all students. By promoting better student health, the college hopes to inspire our students to be healthy & happy about themselves.


The quality of life is one of the most important factors considered by the students deciding to stay inside the campus hostels. By quality, it is not just the rooms but also the overall environment of campus.

Our Institution provides a Boy’s hostel of 19676.97sq.ft area for a strength 120 & Girl’s hostel of 18605.42sq.ft area a strength of 100 with all facilities like Dining hall, recreational room etc.

Staff Quarters

An area of 17410.41sq.ft occupies quarters for staffs, which includes principal quarter, quarters for teaching staff & quarters for non-teaching staff inside the campus.